I have many people ask me what it is to be one’s “true self”. Or, what does it mean to live in your “truth?” These terms are not commonly used in everyday conversation and are most definitely not used in our education system. I was once naïve to what this meant. To me, it sounded very foreign and mystical.
In fact, it was not until my mid 30’s that I first heard the terms “truth” and “true self.” As I began to seek more growth, I began to understand more, but the terms were never explained to me and I was most definitely not given a definition of what it meant. Nor did I need one.
What I learned is that finding one’s “true self” is not taught by way of a being given a definition and trying to solve for it, but rather it is discovered in one’s awakening during their journey toward true personal freedom.
Your truE SELF will EMERGE when you start to allow for it. It is unique to you.
So my answer is, you will know when you know.
But in an attempt to not just ignore the question and to further explain, I am reminded of the book The Power of Decision by Raymond Barker. I have not yet found a better description of what it most closely looks like to be your “true self” or the “real You.”
“In this newfound freedom of being the you that is the real you is the only security there really is. It is like coming out of a crowded room into the open and taking a deep breath of fresh air. Now you know that never again will you be victimized by your own wrong decisions and the negative thinking that accompanied them. Your mind is open to all right ideas. You no longer have any receptivity to ideas that you do not want to experience. The responsibilities of everyday living are no longer burdensome nor dull. Each hour is filled with accomplishment and accompanied with pleasure.
Your decision to be yourself pays off and rich dividends. The word impossible is deleted from your vocabulary. It is no longer has meaning. In its place now is the word unexpected. You are ready for that which is yet to be, knowing that all ideas concerning it are already in your mind and will appear on time and in order. You expect the unexpected and you welcome it as it appears into your consciousness and in your world. You expect health for you have no fear of illness. You know that there is nothing in your consciousness to cause illness. All mental and emotional conflicts have left forevermore.
You expect your prosperity to be completely normal and continuous. You have decided that this shall be so. There is no longer anything in your consciousness to cause restriction. The flowing in of money is always balanced with a flowing out of money. You have a right to live graciously and you do so. All of your bills are paid the day you receive them. You discover that paying bills is a pleasant experience. Your inner wisdom born of the Spirit guides you in all of your financial matters.
You expect to be happy. For you now realize that happiness is your normal created state of living. You are neither ashamed of being happy, nor afraid of being happy. You rejoice in being alive. Doing what you are doing and feeling as you are feeling. There is nothing in your subconscious mind to make you other than happy. You have decided that this is so and the everyday events of your life indicate that it is so. You are even glad to have problems for each one of them is soluble through your own right thinking, right deciding, and the correct use of your imagination. You are happy.
You decide to give and receive love. You know that you can do this and make intelligent plans to do it. You are no longer fighting with the human race. You have taken your place in it as a loving, kind, and generous person. You attract yourself people in situations which are the right ones for you. Your well-balanced emotions plus your new created drives and interests, draw to you like-minded individuals with whom you have ease of communication. There is an interchange of ideas, attitudes, and interests. Love in you finds love in them. Love in them finds love in you.
The Infinite is loving by means of you and you give it full freedom of action. No more loneliness, no more apartness. You like the feeling of being one with many people. You enrich and are enriched by your associations. You catch a glimpse of the Spirit in all whom you contact.
You have severed all connections with frustration. The dynamics of the creative ideas in your mind are now having full self-expression. This penetrates every area of your living. You are a dynamic person. People think of you as a dynamic person. You do what you want to do. You rejoice in the free flow of creative thinking which keeps your mind centered on your decided goals. You watch new ideas happen in your mind and new events take place in your experience. You’re outgoing, fulfilled, and free to express yourself.
You have faith in life. You sense yourself to be an instrument of the Mighty Mind. You are convinced of the many values of living in the here and the now. Your good is not postponed or delayed. Your mind senses the spiritual activities within it and cooperates fully with them. You trust the great creative lab of the subconscious mind. Your authorizations in it are left free to produce themselves. You are free of all deep concern and serious worry. You know that the only good is on your pathway and that its revelations to you will always be the right ones at the right time appearing in order. You are affirmative in your attitudes. You like yourself as you are, creative and victorious.
You have a larger understanding of God. Not my God, nor god of creeds, but the God your own thinking has discovered within you. It is God personal to you, for you personalize it. You trust the infinite mind as it functions in your mind. You know that its constant flow of new ideas is your guarantee of right living for you now are receptive to them. You find many people who think of God as you think of God. You are no longer rejecting anything spiritual. You are open and receptive to spiritual ideas. You know that your life is the life of God. You know that you are living representative of all that the Infinite is. You are worthy of your high calling as a spiritual creation.”
There is no reason for not feeling comfortable in this great cosmos. People with self-conditioned linked minds may fear the unknown, but there is no reason for you to do this. You know that anything and everything that you need to know you will know when you need to know it. You do not need to know the future for fear of the future, for you are creating your future with your present attitude. A trust in the general business of life is essential to well-being. It comes from seeing yourself correctly. You are not a biological accident. You are a programmed individual, individualizing the magnificence of life. Any feeling of your inferiority or insignificance is ridiculous.
How amazing does life sound living in this state of being?! Should you decide to, this can be your experience. After all, it is YOU. It is your true self.
This is by no means a to do list. If it’s time, you will know what to act on. It is your truth. If you feel lost, seek your truth. Go with your gut. Wade through your fears and lean into them. Take the high road. Not because you are afraid, but rather because it is the loving thing to do. Be honest 100% of the time. Put down the pose. Open up. Get some help. Finding the real you is the most liberating thing that you will do in your time on earth. The real you is all that you are looking for, find him and the rest will fall in to place.
To go through life never knowing who you were created to be is like being the eagle that decided never to fly.


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