Many of us say that we want to make a change in an area of our life, yet so many of us struggle to see it through. And see that it sticks.

Honestly, most of it is all talk.

We tell ourselves that we will change. We tell others that we will change. We tell people that we are making a change. But the truth is, there is no real substance behind those claims. We are either lying to ourselves and others or simply do not know what to do.

I see this pattern all the time in my many interactions with men “looking to make a change.” The good news is … I have also seen people step up and make real, lasting change. It takes a lot to get there but is beyond possible for anyone and everyone. Here is how you can do it.


You must make a decision, to initiate change. You must decide to act.

Most people make the decision to live in indecision and wonder why they do not get anywhere. You cripple yourself, your life, and those that surround you when you live in indecision.

Be a yes … or be a no. Especially for the bigger parts of your life.

You must learn to act. Or, not. Do not play in the middle.

To change your life you must make the decision that you will start making decisions. And choose YES, to growth.

“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”

Tony Robbins


Yes, 100%.

You cannot be halfway in and halfway out. Or just most of the way in. You must be fully committed and willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your desired outcome and change your life.

This means you will more than likely need to step out of your comfort zone. Because what we know: what you have done thus far, has gotten you exactly where you are … but no further.

This may mean paying a coach, counselor, or some other support system a sum of money that you had never imagined investing in this area of life.

It may mean saying NO to all the things that you used to say yes to.

It may mean leaving old friends behind.

It may mean letting go of some of your family members.

It may mean traveling across the world to get away from what is holding you back.

Bottom line, breaking patterns and making change takes BALLS, and you must be ALL IN.


First, believe that you can make the change. This is crucial!

Your beliefs direct your outcomes. It is your prior beliefs that got you to where you are today … period. If you don’t believe that you can do something, you won’t do it.

Eliminate and change your prior beliefs. Limiting beliefs like:

  • Life is hard
  • Relationships are hard
  • My wife is harsh
  • If only I would have grown up with more money
  • She doesn’t want to have sex with me
  • I am not good looking enough
  • I am in a “dead-end job”
  • I am too shy
  • Work is not supposed to be fun
  • I am broken
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees
  • If I had _______, then I would be happy
  • I could never be as good as ________
  • She is too difficult
  • My dad has always done it this way, so that is the only way that I can do it
  • I am not enough

When you believe something, your brain will look for ways to prove it to be true.

If you believe that you will only make $50,000 per year, you will make roughly $50,000. If you shift your belief to be that you will make $150,000 per year, you will make $150,000.

It is like magic!

I am not suggesting affirmations or positive thinking. I am saying a wholehearted belief.

As your subconscious begins to believe that a new outcome is possible, that new outcome will slowly start to manifest itself. This may sound a little bit like “fairyland” to many, but try it. Let me know your results.

Change your thoughts. Change your beliefs. Change your outcomes. Change your life!


Your awareness, often referred to as your consciousness, is the part of you that experiences life. The part of you that observes life.

Your awareness is the way that you will know what it is that you currently believe. Your awareness enables you to monitor your thoughts that will later turn into beliefs.

Be aware of what you are doing and why you are doing it. 

Notice your thoughts. What are you allowing to consume your mind?

The simple awareness of your thoughts creates extraordinary change…and fast.


This is the fun part. The part where you get to go from student to the teacher.

This is where you can learn new tactics and procedures, and easily implement them.

The heavy lifting has been completed. You have decided, you are committed, you believe that you can do it, and you live with peak awareness.

Now, all of those courses that you wanted to take – you should take them. And the books full of appealing tactics that you wanted to read- it is now time to read them.  This information will now settle into your subconscious, freely live there, and will be ready for use when your newly wired mind decides it is time to use them.

BONUS: Your health. Taking care of your mind and body are going to be key to your success. Your body truly is your temple. Eat well and exercise.


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