The greatest project that you’ll ever work on in life is, YOU. Yes, YOU.
If you’re seeking to change the people and circumstances around you, you’re wasting your time. You must focus on the evolution of the man that is you.
Because here’s the kicker … working on you, also changes your experience with everything around you. It’s the best 2-for-1 deal you’ll EVER have in life.
There’s no project that will give you a better return on investment.
There’s no project that will give you better relationships, better results, more money.
There’s no project that will give you a better life.
It will change your life … BUT you have to do the work.
I personally spent most of my life working on changing everything around me to make my life better. If I could change my wife, make more money, move to a new house, change my job, everything would be better, right?
Wrong. Once I fully committed to doing the work on me, EVERYTHING CHANGED. Like magic. No bullshit here. I’m personally telling you, and you can ask every single man that I’ve ever worked with.
You don’t have to wait; the only person waiting is YOU.
The problem is most people aren’t willing to put in the work. They assume it’s better to pick up a beer over a book. They assume spending more money on toys and hobbies is a better investment than spending that money on working on their own shit.
Because they’re afraid to look within. They’re afraid to fail. They don’t think it’s possible. They think changing others is easier. And the status quo is survivable … kind of.
But what they fail to understand is that making the easy and comfortable choices now, leads to misery later.
Work on You
I’m here to tell you that it’s never too late to work on you. To develop new habits, tools, and mindset that can uncover the man that you were created to be.
The father that you were created to be…
The husband that you were created to be…
The blessing that you were created to be…
Doing the work is the difference between having a miserable, or average, life and having the life that you’ve always dreamed of.
Don’t live in regret. Don’t settle.
Do the work…for you.
With it, comes everything that you want out of life.
Start by creating a daily practice that makes you better. Don’t miss.
Read, learn, listen, follow, repeat.
If you aren’t sure how to get to the level that you want to get to, and you don’t know what kind of work you need to do to have your best life, do what I did, and find someone that knows what it takes. That has the map. That can show you the way.
And that can hold you accountable to living out your best life. Your best marriage.
You no longer have to waste your energy trying to change everything around you. You have all that you need. You have you. And transforming you; transforms everything around you.
This is what you’ve been waiting your whole life … make now the time. Stop hearing this message and start living the message.
You’ve heard it before, because it’s true. It’s not a secret.
Commit to playing big in life. Go for it. Do the work.
The only regret you’ll have is having never taken yourself on as your number one life project.
Don’t live in regret.

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