Why Won’t Men Ask for Help?


It seems like we live in a culture that far more women than men are willing to ask for help. Why is it that men don’t ask for directions? Why is it that instead of pulling over and getting on the right path, men will drive around aimlessly trying to figure it out – wasting time, energy, and perhaps producing nothing? If someone has the directions that will help get from where you are today to where you want to be, why don’t we ask them for the directions?

Enter PRIDE and FEAR…

We men are a proud bunch. Always comparing status. Always pretending to have it figured out on the outside, but we wander aimlessly on the inside. We don’t want to look weak, even if we feel weak. We are dishonest with ourselves. We don’t ask each other questions about anything beyond the weather, sports ,and pretty women. We show victory by sharing the materialistic things in life (or feel defeated if we don’t have them), but NEVER share the truth about what we are going through … for fear that we will look weak. In doing so, we lie to our ultimate self, our TRUE Self … that man that lives inside of you.

Just me and my buddy, Ozzie.

That was me. I was the most closed off person I knew. I never let anyone in. I could keep them at just enough of a distance with 1-3 word answers, changing the subject or talking about “nothing.” I was afraid of being exposed. And to be honest, I thought I had my shit together. But life has a funny way of exposing us … and it did me. We are exposed by our marriages, our bosses, our mistresses, our habits, our work, our finances, tragedy … the list goes on. Sadly, most men are exposed and scramble to cover it all up again, and in doing so, forgo an opportunity to fully arrive at becoming the man that they were created to be. And, in turn, his life runs in circles.

Let’s be honest, men see investing in working on themselves as a complete waste of money and energy. If you can’t guarantee me that you are going to increase my paycheck 2x, I’m out. HINT: if you want to make more money, upgrade your personal software. Your number one asset to your pocketbook … is you! Imagine if you showed up fearless, confident, and powerful … what you could do??????

Real Men Ask For Help.

Men, it is time to take a hard look in the mirror. That thing you have been thinking about changing … it’s time to change it. That thing your wife would love for you to do … it’s time that you start doing it. Most likely you are not doing it because you don’t know how, and you’re too afraid to ask for help. ASK! There is somebody that’s done it before … simply ask them how they did it … then do it! Hire a counselor … hire a coach … tell a friend, for crying out loud!

The truth is, people love the real you. If they don’t, they have no business in your life … but they do. The moment that you begin to open up and ask for help, is the moment those around you become inspired. It Is the moment that you take your friendships to the next level. Your marriage. Your work. YOUR LIFE. Someone knows how to get to where you want to go, all you have to do is ask them for directions.

Be a REAL MAN and ASK!

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