You Can’t Win if You’re Running in the Wrong Direction


Stop Running in the Wrong Direction

The world’s fastest man is on the starting line of the 100m race … 

I want you to envision this.

He’s ready to break records and win it all.


He’s facing the wrong direction. 

He’s not facing the same way as all of his competitors. 

And he’s so focused that nobody can tell him that he’s about to make a huge mistake…


The gun goes off and he takes off…

Racing in the exact opposite direction…

He’s disqualified & loses immediately. 

If you’re running in the wrong direction, you’re never going to win. 

Especially in your marriage. 

If you’re all-out sprinting in the wrong direction, the only thing you’re definitely going to get is:

  • Burned out
  • Frustrated with your lack of progress
  • Confused as hell that you’ve got nothing to show for all your hard work 
  • The same life-draining results 

The truth is … just having someone to point you in the right direction is 95% of the battle sometimes. 

The rest is just getting you there faster. 

This was me. I spent years in my marriage running in the wrong direction.  It seemed that the harder I worked, the more it fell apart.

Nothing seemed to work.  Counseling, advice from friends and family, trying to please her…NOTHING. WORKED. 

What I actually learned through the process was that it isn’t that difficult if you’re heading in the right direction … if you have someone telling you where to go and the fastest way to get there.

Just like it isn’t difficult for the world’s fastest man to win a race if he’s facing the right direction. 

The mountain (your marriage) that seems impossible to climb is no more than a small hill, if you know what you’re doing. 

The men I work with make 10x progress in less than 1 week.  A little work and a little direction and they’re off!  Crushing it!

So if you want the right roadmap…

And you want to start to find a powerful path forward in your marriage .… purpose in life … or that swagger that you’re missing.

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