Take Control of Your Life.
I’m going to give you a glimpse of how I used to live my life…It’s not good.
The truth is that I used to sleepwalk through life.
I meandered through each day, pointing my efforts toward whatever seemed easiest. I operated in default mode and inherited the results of living that way.
AND, it caused my life to erupt!
It wasn’t until my life exploded that I realized this. It shook me, and I finally woke up.
Let me ask you a few questions…
- How many of your habits did you consciously create?
- How many of your thoughts are chosen?
- How many of your feelings are you aware of?
- How many of your daily actions are driven with intentional choice?
- How many of your results in life have been determined by your intentional actions?
- How responsible are you for the results in your life?
Let me go ahead and take a stab at it for you…
80% + of your habits are unconscious. Yes. You drink, you eat, you run, you hide, you withdraw, you lie, you twitch, you stare, you surf the internet, you speak, you get lost in the “busyness” of your work, you play on your phone, you watch tv, you give the same “canned” responses, and on and on and on, all out of subconscious habits that you’ve created. You don’t even know you’re doing these things! Yet you do them EVERYDAY.
Almost all of your thoughts that run through your head are not chosen thoughts. My bet is that the thought that you’re having at this exact moment just popped up out of nowhere. And more than likely, you’ve never even noticed the voice inside of your head that never seems to shut up.
My bet is that you’ve been taught to run, hide, and stuff your feelings and have never sat down and paid attention to what you’re feeling. All you know is that sometimes you feel HIGH and sometimes you feel LOW. And if you’re honest, most of the time you are running at LOW.
The majority of your actions seem to “just happen.” You wake up, you go to work, you do the work that falls in front of you, maybe go to the gym, you go home, eat, check-out, go to sleep…repeat.
And, because of your unintentional actions, you’re reaping unintentional results.
But I want to break something to you …
You’re responsible for 100% of the results in your life. For better or for worse.
Most of us men have been operating in default mode, unaware of our place in life, and our part in creating it.
You got here without even consciously choosing to be here. You’ve been asleep. And you wonder how you got to this point in your life, and why you are miserable!
I get it. As i said, I’ve been there. In fact, I spent most of my life asleep.
And I now work my ass off everyday, trying to live a life awake. A life that is intentional. That is meaningful. And it takes work!
People ask me, “Brian, how do I find my purpose? How do I live with more energy? How do I show up as a stronger man? How do I fix my marriage? How do I grow my business? How do I deal with my parents? How do I manage marriage, business, kids, and hobbies?”
The answer is, you start to live your life ON PURPOSE. You start to live a life with INTENTION. You stop being a victim. You stop letting life run you, and you take control of your life.
And the rest will fall into place.
But you have to wake up! Stop stumbling through your days and start choosing your days.
You ask, “but how, Brian?”. Well, here are a few good starting points.
>> Start by paying attention to your thinking. It’s your thinking that’s driving your life’s results. Notice that voice in your head. What’s it saying? Are your thoughts productive or unproductive?
>> Create a routine and stick to it! Wake up at the same time everyday, not when you all of a sudden feel like getting up.
>> Choose your actions each day. Choose what you want to accomplish. Choose how you want to feel. And then create actions that align. If you want to have a drink, CHOOSE to have a drink; dont just fall into it out of habit. If you want a better marriage, create a plan and execute it to get a better marriage. Put in the work. If you want more money, stop talking about it and make a plan to make it happen.
Lastly, I’m going to leave you with one final tip and action-step:
STOP what you are doing. Stop right now. Get out a pen and a piece of paper.
EXPLORE what’s currently going on in your life by writing down what’s real for you right now.
- What’s your reality? Write it out.
- What have you done to get here? Write it out.
- What’s been working? What’s not working? Write it out.
- What do you want? Write it out. All of it. An entire plan to make this happen.
EXECUTE. Just do it. No excuses.
Make this a daily habit in your life.
By doing those three simple steps, you’re expanding, living with intention, and moving forward with purpose. You are AWAKE.
Wake up. Take control of your life. It’s too painful to go through life asleep. Your awareness is POWER.

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