Let’s be honest, we’re all looking for shortcuts in life…
From diet pills, testosterone boosters, the lottery, get-rich-quick schemes, and other gimmicks … we all want the “magic pill.”
But here’s the deal… there are no magic pills when it comes to changing your life.
Sure, if you’re looking for a bandaid for your situation, I can come up with a number of ways to help you “get by” for a bit. In fact, I’m sure you find yourself putting bandaids on many situations.
… Your wife is too hard to talk to, so you stay at work longer.
… Your wife hurts your feelings, so you withdraw and withhold.
… You want to feel confident, so you look at porn.
… You want to eliminate your stress, so you have some beers.
These things all work, but only for a moment, and in the end, they crush you.
Don’t they???????
What You Can Do
If you want true transformation, if you want real results, you have to set out on a journey. You have to set out on a mission. You have to complete the mission.
And you have to learn to enjoy the path laid out before you.
You have to embrace the suck. Embrace the failure. Embrace it ALL.
You have to go in headfirst.
How I Can Help
I tell men all of the time, “if you’re looking for a magic pill, I’m not your guy.”
I say that because I’m about results; not bullshit. I’m about full, whole-hearted transformation; not transactional, temporary fixes that “feel good”.
If I’m being honest, I’ve had many “failures” in my life, and they were typically a result of some bullshit shortcut that I tried to take. It doesn’t work!
Likewise, I’ve had many victories in life, and the best ones have always been the ones that took time, that took a grind, and that took failure. They’re the victories that I share, the ones that people want to hear about. The ones that transformed my life.
The good news is that I no longer fail. Not because I don’t come up short sometimes, but because I look at the world’s view of failure as an opportunity. As part of the journey. As a gift. And it’s fucking empowering!
There’s a path. There’s a process. And you must embrace it. You must fully engage in it.
The process is commitment, hard work, accountability, growth, intention, focus, belief…and failure.
All of which require you to put in the work.
If you’re serious about fixing your marriage. Fixing what’s broken in your life, STOP looking for shortcuts in life.
Stop avoiding the game of life, and instead start getting really good at it.
It’s fun. And it’s worth it.

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