Do you feel like you’re constantly firefighting in your life?  Like it is constantly spinning out of control, and you’re not sure what to do next? 

I know I did. And I know most of the men that I talk to are doing just that; they’re constantly putting out fires… 

Doing everything they can to heal their marriage make their wife happy. But it’s not working.

Putting needed conversations off, so they can simmer and eventually EXPLODE.

Feeling afraid to speak up and say what’s on their mind for fear of how she may react. So, the embers start to burn hotter and hotter on the inside… until the fire erupts. 

Hiding from the reality of their life and marriage, pretending that it is all OK, but finding their wife ready to leave or completely checked out. 

Trying to find meaning in their life, so they spin, spin, and spin some more.

Looking for purpose but always feeling lost.

Feeling weak, clueless, without direction after their wife has left them.

And when men get to these dark and brutal places, they scramble to keep things afloat, but continue to sink. 

The craziest part is that they act surprised … like it all came out of nowhere; all the while the coals had been simmering for years. And now they’re forced to face and fight the fire that is their life. 

But this is no way to live. This is when life sucks! This is when we hit our rock bottoms.

The truth is that a happy life is not a life of firefighting; it is a life of constantly tending to the coals. 

Yes, the coals….

Doing the things that you know you should be doing but have elected to put off or not do.

Having the conversations you know you need to have, yet you are too afraid to have. 

Speaking your truth, implementing boundaries, and enforcing boundaries.

Tending to the part of you that feels lost and broken inside, instead of acting like it’s all ok. 

Yes, that requires the first step in any sort of transformation…BEING HONEST WITH YOURSELF!

The more you ignore the coals in your life, the bigger the fire is going to get. And one day it WILL inevitably EXPLODE. It always does.

And maybe that’s why you’re reading this right now. You’re firefighting. You’re in survival mode. I know that’s when I finally sought help. 

If that’s you, it’s time to stop fighting fires and to start tending to the coals and dealing with what’s real in your life.

Your purpose. Your marriage. Your self-worth. Your procrastination. Your health. Your mindset. Your temper. Your passivity. Your connection to God.

You know exactly what you’re neglecting in your life. Heal your marriage. Get to work before it is too late.


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