I Was Suffocating In My Marriage.


When I was going through my marital struggles, I felt like I was suffocating in my marriage.

The constant stress.  The fear.  The arguing.  The feeling of being “less than enough”. Purposeless.  And on and on.

I thought that if I could just get through today, tomorrow would be better.  And it never did. 

Deep down, I wanted the marriage to change, but I didn’t know how to change it.  I didn’t even believe it was possible to change it unless she finally figured her sh*% out.

So I just let it go on until it finally blew up.

And this is the story of many of the men that I work with. 

Deep down, they want the marriage to change but they’re stuck waiting on the sidelines for the “perfect time”… or for her to change … or for it to magically just get better and go away.

This is living in survival mode, and it sucks. 

And I get it.  I did it.

But here’s the thing … You could be living in “thrival mode” instead.

And with so much misinformation and missing pieces on how to get to “thriving” I get that it seems impossible and scary …

I also get that you may want to roll your eyes at the idea of going from “survival mode” to “thrival mode” so easily … like it’s just that simple. 

I’m here to tell you that it is that simple. I’ve done it.  And I see men do it all the time.

Like this badass dude named Simon that I just started working with.  He felt like a new man having only worked with me for 48 hours.  He was separated from his wife and had just lost his high paying job.  He felt lost and purposeless to say the least.

“Brian, I cannot believe how I’m feeling.  I feel like a new man after just knowing you for 48 hours.  I’m not sure what’s going on, but I love it.”

This feeling that Simon had in just 48 hours was the catalyst for him now being in a loving relationship, living with purpose, and starting a new career path.  He’s done all of this in 5 weeks.  No BS.

And he’s not unique.  This happens all of the time.

Do you want to know how? 

Here’s how….

Men that go from surviving to thriving commit to doing something bold and different than what they’ve done in the past.  They go from wanting to change their life to taking action toward actually changing their life.  They go big.  They stop playing small.


And they find someone who they trust and knows the path to where they want to go to help them make it happen. 

I hate to simplify, but it really is that simple. 

Commit to taking massive action toward figuring your life and marriage out … Do something big and different than you have in the past.  Something that feels uncomfortable.

Stop playing small.  Choose to believe you and your life are worth more and that you can do it. 

And find someone that will go on the journey with you, show you the way, and hold you accountable. 

This is your 5-minute fix.  You could literally start heading down this path in less than 5 minutes. 

Do it.  What’s the worst that could happen?  Absolutely nothing, yet you have EVERYTHING to gain.