Are you like most men right now, wondering what’s going to be different about this year?
Like, how are you going to improve? How are you going to grow? How are you going to find purpose? How are you going to get fit? How are you going to survive another dreadful year of marriage? Or, more than likely, how are you going to get out of the sh*t storm of 2020?
I know that you’ve heard the quote:
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Sit with this a minute…
Now be honest with yourself, how true does this ring in your life right now?
To some extent, this is true for all of us, yet we don’t take the hint… DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT!
As a man, when you become stagnant in life, you feel like you’re dying inside. And you’re dying inside, because you’re not evolving as a human.
Your growth is your purpose! That’s why you feel like you’re dying when you’re not growing. You’re living as the past version of yourself, yet here you are today, and tomorrow, and the next with the opportunity to show up as a bigger and better man with each passing day.
So, choose to evolve. If what you want in your life and marriage did not happen in 2020, DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT!
Doing the same sh*t is driving you insane and killing your life. You’re doing nothing more than putting a choke-hold on what’s next for you as a man.
Do the things that you KNOW you should be doing. Stop doing the things that you KNOW you should not be doing. Do the thing that you have always wanted to do, yet you’ve never done it. It can be that simple.
Whatever you do, make 2021 a year of growth. Be bold. Go big. Stop being a victim, man-up, and create the life you want this year.
Start by doing something different.