For years, I bought into and lived the pose. The pose that was me. The pose that I pretended was my life.
I built a wall around my life so that nobody could see that the life on the inside was caving in.
That was me. Tough exterior. Picture perfect life. Living the dream. Or so it looked…
The truth is that my business, my marriage, and life were falling apart. I didn’t even see it, or more accurately, I was so caught up in protecting my pose that I couldn’t see it.
I played the nice guy. Always doing everything right on the outside but bitter on the inside. I was passive aggressive, full of pent up aggression that would later explode. I was afraid. I was closed off.
My emotions didn’t exist. I hid from emotion. I always kept it together. “Steady Eddie”.
My passion was little. I was a pretty successful entrepreneur and self-starter. I enjoyed the outdoors. But never had true fire or purpose behind what I did.
I felt weak but looked strong (or so I thought). I looked and acted confident but never knew who I was at my core.
I was fun. I drank in all social situations and very often by myself to deal with shit.
I was complacent. I did things by the book. It made me look good. It made others like me.
I was scattered and disorganized.
I was “easy going”.
I was nearly divorced.

My first beautiful daughter was born. 5 days after her birth, I almost lost my wife due to postpartum complications. While we were at the hospital (again) for her recovery, our house went up in flames. We lost just about everything in our house, including our two beloved dogs. We rebuilt the home. Life went on, but I withdrew. I sought validation from everywhere but myself, and I self-soothed in the many ways that we men do (if you are reading this, you know what that is for you).
I felt weak and lost.
Life shook me and my pose was exposed.
My wife asked to be separated. We did. She asked for a divorce, almost. Asked to be separated again. We did again. This got me going … I needed to fix my marriage. Something needed to change.
I went on a personal development rampage. Books … retreats … counseling. I started to shift. More books … more podcasts … more counseling … Then, I started to have some beautiful personal discovery, but I just wasn’t there.
I was more self-aware and had grown intellectually, but I was not WHOLE. I still didn’t have my power, my passion, or my path forward.
I was still full of shit.
Then I hired a coach and my life officially 180’d.
I was committed. I believed that I could do it, and I worked alongside somebody that inspired me; someone that had the map to where I wanted to go. A sense of power came over me. I finally found conviction in who I was. I found my voice.
I started to take 100% responsibility for my life.
I learned to put it all out there, every part of me, and f@ck them if they don’t like it. And guess what, they love it. And if they don’t, that’s cool too. I began shedding layers of the junk I had accumulated over the years. I grew at an extraordinary pace, and I was back to the God-created man that originally came into this world … but this time as a MAN.

I have a marriage that I never thought possible.
I live to serve.
I love.
I am confident.
I inspire.
I am passionate.
I seek constant connection with God.
I own and operate two thriving businesses.
I love my friends.
I love my wife.
I am an amazing husband and father of 2 beautiful girls.
I am a book worm.
I tell the truth about me.
I am purposeful with my decisions.
I am organized enough to get shit done
I am a creator.
I am a passionate outdoorsman.
I have balance.
I struggle…But I embrace the struggle.
As a mentor of mine told me … “WHAT ONE MAN DO, ANY MAN CAN DO”.
Steamboat Springs, CO