Everything C.A.N. B.E. Fixed


Discover the C.A.N. B.E. Fixed Method

Do you find yourself arguing and fighting over the same issues?

With no real solutions in sight.

You just can’t understand why she doesn’t agree with you … that she doesn’t see that she is wrong.

You’ve given her every reason why she needs to see the error in her thinking … and yet your wife won’t budge … in fact, she blames you!

It seems like no matter what you do, these conversations end up the same way … making you both miserable.

You want to scream; maybe you do.  You want to withdraw; maybe you do.  Either way, you want her to hear you, but, mostly, you want the conflict to end by any means necessary. 

What you may have learned in counseling is not working.  You don’t have the patience for it.

You may have even realized that you’re part of the problem, and you do, in fact, have a part in the failing marriage and communication.

But you’re so damn tired of being emasculated …. or you’re unwilling to be emasculated to “fix things.”  

You’re an excellent father and you work hard.

But now a separation, divorce, or a continued miserable marriage looms.

You ask yourself, “what the f&^% do I do?!”

I’ve been there.  And it really sucks.  Like, bad. 

My wife and I would have arguments about the same things over and over again, and they would go on for days, months, or even years without resolution.  Or until separation and divorce seemed like the only answers. 

Almost every conversation ended up in an argument. 

She would blame me, and I would defend.  How can you have a conversation when it feels like you’re being blamed all of the time?! 

She would defend, and I would blame.  How could she not see that I was right?!

The fact remained that both of us thought that we were right, and the other was wrong … the other person was always wrong, in both their opinion and their behavior. 

Until I discovered the C.A.N.  B.E. Fixed Method.

Once I started to use this method, my marriage changed.  Arguments ended.  In fact, I was able to speak less, get my way more often, and she was happier.

Imagine that! 

Interested in learning more about the C.A.N. B.E. Fixed Method & how it can fix your marriage?

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