Relationship Tips for Men
These are in no particular order. Every man’s journey is different. All that matters is that when you act, and that it’s authentic … not just another chore. Read below to discover the top 10 relationship tips for men that will transform your marriage.
The Top 10 Relationship Tips for Men
- Take 100% responsibility for where your life and relationship. Your prior thoughts, beliefs and actions have gotten you right where you are at today. Own it. Appreciate it. Love it.
- Be present. As men, we are often easily distracted, but women crave a man’s presence. Be genuinely interested in her. Put your phone away. Turn the TV off. Look her in the eye. Repeat back what you hear her say, so that she knows that you are truly listening. Hold her. Touch her. Ask her questions about HER. Your presence is powerful.
- LEAD her. This does not mean to tell her what to do or force her to make choices that she does not want to make. It means to show up daily in your power. BE the man you were created to be. Rather than telling her what you think she should do, guide her by asking questions, so that she can find her own answers. Stop preaching to her. If you want change, you go first. BE so that others BEcome.
- Learn Learn Learn Learn. never stop growing. She will be WOWd by your ability to show her that you are continually willing to improve your craft as a man. Read books, listen to podcasts hire somebody to help you. And let her know what you are up to
- Christ-like Love. need I say more?
- Appreciate her, ALL of her. Focus on what you love about her, not what bothers you. Tell her what you appreciate. Write it down. Post it on Facebook. Do something that shows her how much you appreciate her.
- Stop waiting or wishing for her to change. Try spending the time that you allocate trying to change her, to seeking to learn more about her. She will change when she is ready. She will change when you can handle it. Most likely, if you want her to change, it is you needing to make the change. Again, you are a man … you go first!
- Be a man on a mission. Give her a reason to follow you. If she knows what you stand for and where you are taking your family, she will follow you all the way. You must first truly believe in yourself and your mission, and she will follow.
- Stop trying to FIX it. I get it. You are a man. Your brain was created to fix things…hers was not. Listen to her and seek understanding. Stop trying to FIX IT.
- Allow her to have her OWN experience. Yes, what she says she is going through, or how she sees it, is just as true as how you see it. You each have your own experience in life … allow for that. You are two completely different humans by design. Honor that.
Give God a try. As the ultimate creator of life, He may know a thing or two about achieving peace, love, and greatness. He is not your genie. Simply ask for strength and support. Try connecting with Him. Once you do, STAY connected through constant gratitude.

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